Your Online Security Matters
Bank of Weston employs the latest in internet security and user authentication to ensure that data being transmitted through the online banking system is secure from unauthorized access. The methods are outlined below.
- Digital IDs from VeriSign
Bank of Weston's IBS system uses digital IDs certified by VeriSign, an industry leader in digital identification certificates, to authenticate user information and provide access to the data through the system.
How Do Digital IDs Work?
Digital IDs work off of a matched key setup where the server has a "private" key issued only to the server and a "public" key widely distributed to the bank's customers. A digital ID requires a matched pair of keys that are unique to each other to encrypt and decrypt data. With this setup, transactions created, encrypted, and transmitted by bank customers using the public key can only be decrypted by the other key in the pair running on the server. -
Secured Data Transmission
The online banking system combined with digital ID authentication through VeriSign allows the server to implement Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, the standard technology for secure web-based communications. With SSL, data traveling between the bank and customer is encrypted and can only be decrypted through the pairing of the public and private key pair. SSL capability is built into server hardware and browsers but requires a digital ID to be functional. -
Server Access
Server access is protected using a firewall computer and the leading firewall software, CheckPoint's Firewall-1. Firewall computers provide secure access to the Web Server and Checkpoint's software by only allowing authorized traffic to hit the server.
By combining the latest technology with authenticated access to the web server, Bank of Weston makes your online banking transactions secure.